


 She said to him, ‘On your birthday, McCreedy, what do you want to do?’ She always called him McCreedy. You would have thought by now, after being his wife for so long, she should have started to call him John, but she never did. He called her Hilda; she called him McCreedy, as if he was a ( 1 ), as if he was a footballer she had seen on the television.
 ‘What would the kids like?’ he said.
 She lighted up a cigarette. (2) Her twentieth or thirtieth that Sunday, he had stopped counting.
 ‘Never mind the kids, McCreedy,’ she said. ‘It's your birthday.’
 ‘Go back to Ireland,’ he said. ‘That's what I'd like. Go back there for ( 3 ).’
 She put out the cigarette. Typical, he thought. (4) She was always changing her mind about everything, minute to minute. ‘When you've got a sensible answer,’ she said, ‘let me know what it is.’
 He went out into the garden where his nine-year-old daughter, Katy, was playing on her own. Katy and the garden had something in common : they were both small and it looked as if they would never be beautiful no matter how hard anyone tried, because Katy ( 5 ) her dad. More's the pity.
 Now the two of them were in the neglected garden together, with the North London September sun quite warm on them, and McCreedy said to the daughter he tried so hard to love, ‘What’ll we do on my birthday, then, Katy?’
 She was playing with her showily stylish little dolls. She held them by their shapely legs and their golden hair waved around like flags. ‘I don’t know,’ she said.
 He sat on a plastic garden chair and she laid her nymphs side by side.’Cindy and Barbie are getting stung,’ she complained.
 ‘Who's stinging them, darling?’
 ‘Those plants, of course. Cut them down, can't you?’
 ‘Oh no,’ he said, looking at where they grew so fiercely, crowding out the roses Hilda planted years ago. ‘(6) Saving them, sweetheart.’
 ‘For soup. Nettle soup ― to make you beautiful.’
 She looked at him gravely. For nine years, she had believed everything he had said. (7) Now she was on a cliff-edge, almost ready to fly off.
 ‘Will it?’
 ‘Sure it will. You wait and ( 8 ).’
 Later in the day, when his son Michael came in, McCreedy stopped him before he went up to his room. He was thirteen.
 ‘Your mother was wondering what we might all do on my birthday. If you had any thoughts about it...?’
 Michael shrugged. It was as if he knew he was untouchable, unconquerable. He was the future. (9) He didn't have to give the present any attention. ‘No,’ he said. ‘Not specially. How old are you anyway?’
 ‘Forty-five. Or it might be a year more. I don't remember.’
 ‘Come on, Dad. Everyone remembers their age.’
 ‘Well, I don't. ( 10 ) since I left Ireland. I used to know it then, but that's long ago.’
 ‘Ask Mum, then. She'll know.’
 Michael went on up the stairs, scuffing the carpet with the smelly shoes he wore. No thoughts. No ideas. Not specially.
 And again McCreedy was alone.

(1) 空所( 1 )を埋めるのに最も適当な語を次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。
 ア brother   イ father    ウ master    エ stranger

(2) 下線部(2)を和訳せよ。

(3) 空所( 3 )を埋めるのに最も適当な語を次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。
 ア all    イ dead    ウ good    ェ granted

(4) 下線部(4)には誰のどのような気持ちが表われているか。最も適当なものを次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。
 ア 妻の柔軟なものの考え方に対する夫の驚嘆が表われている。
 イ 妻の日頃の生活態度に対する夫のいらだちが表われている。
 ウ 夫の強い望郷の念に共感できない妻の不満が表われている。
 エ 夫の非常識な発言を理解できない妻の困惑が表われている。

(5) 空所( 5 )を埋めるのに最も適当な語を次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。
 ア recognised  イ represented  ウ resembled  ェ respected

(6) 下線部(6)を,themが何を指すか明らかになるように和訳せよ。

(7) 下線部(7)は,彼女の中にどのような気持ちが芽生えたことを表わしているか。10字以内で記せ。

(8) 空所( 8 )を埋めるのに最も適当な英語1語を記せ。

(9) 下線部(9)を和訳せよ。

(10) 次のうちから空所( 10 )を埋めることができない語を1つ選び,その記号を記せ。
 ア Especially   イ Ever   ウ Lately   エ Not



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